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Testimonial about receiving The Holy Spirit

I would prefer to keep private what happened to myself because it is so precious to me, but I think that would be selfish, so I'm willing to openly describe what happened to me.  However, I'm sure words cannot come close to explaining what actually happened, and how much it truly means to me.  I think it's so very special to me because I was not expecting anything to happen at the time, so it really caught me by compete surprise.  It's hard to describe.  It was just so completely unexpected.  

Anyway, one night I went to bed after a long day of tribulation, and I said my prayers accordingly.  Having suffered from a lifelong weak bladder, I got up several times during the night to use the bathroom, and everything was 'normal' as usual.  As soon as I woke up in the morning and stepped one foot out of bed, however, I was immediately overwhelmed by something.  When I say overwhelmed, the word does not adequately describe it.  The feeling of joy was so overwhelming, that I believe it would have been lethal if it was any stronger.  I found myself overflowing with The Holy Spirit, although I had no idea how I knew it.  I just immediately knew, with 100% certainty, that The Holy Spirit was bursting from within me.  My entire body was completely filled, and the upper part of my chest seemed warm, and I felt like The Holy Spirit was continuously filling me through my chest to make sure I remained completely full of The Holy Spirit.    


I knew right away the The Holy Spirit wanted me to make a website for God (YaH), so I immediately went to my computer and did exactly what I was inspired to do.  The information for the website was just pouring out through me, and I was immediately finding Bible references that I had forgotten long ago.  I developed the website while The Holy Spirit continuously filled me throughout the entire day.  I was so very happy all day long, and I went to bed so very happy (apparently the proper word for the fruit of The Holy Spirit is 'joy').  I woke up the next morning, and sort of noticed the power of The Holy Spirit within me had been reduced by maybe 20%.  I still felt the driving force to develop the website, so that's exactly what I did, happily.  This continued for several days, but each day, I was feeling the power of The Holy Spirit a little less and less.  

After several days, I stopped developing the website and began wondering how I could get The Holy Spirit to completely fill me again.  I began thinking about everything that I could be doing wrong that might be considered a sin, which would quench The Holy Spirit.  I identified and corrected a few weaknesses.  However, no matter what I did, The Holy Spirit did not completely refill me again.  I researched the internet trying to learn what I should do, but to no avail.  All I could find were copycat websites that stated the same basic information about receiving The Holy Spirit.  I was desperately, desperately trying to learn how to get The Holy Spirit to return in full force.  Now I know what Jesus (Yeshua) means when He said the disbelievers and evildoers will come before Him for their judgment, taste His glory, and then gnash their teeth when God sends them to hell. 


I had our Father, God (YaH), with me, giving me a taste of what is to come, and that was a miracle.

It's so strange.  I am so extremely happy, and I know how very, very special it was to have our Father with me.  But at the same time, I miss our Father's overwhelming presence so very, very much - more than I can ever say.  Therefore, I am both happy and sad at the same time.  One of the fascinating outcomes from this experience is that I no longer need to have faith because I know for a fact that our Father, YaH, exists.  For me, knowing our Father exists for sure means that the Commandments throughout The Holy Bible are no longer just 'guidelines' for my life.  Our Father Commanded me to live according to His words, and that's exactly how I'm going to live.  

I pray to our Father, YaH, and thank Him so very, very much for gracing me with His presence.  As strange as this sounds, the feeling of joy was so strong, I believe a person could 'overdose' on joy if our Father didn't limit it.  I have come to the understanding that our Father slowly reduced the power of The Holy Spirit within me because He didn't want to immediately pull it away from me, which could have been too emotionally traumatic. Thank God for His miracles.


List of the most important questions with answers and information about YaH (God), Yeshua (Jesus 'The Christ'), The Holy Spirit and The Holy Bible.
The Holy Bible chapter and verse references of the scriptures and gospels are quotes from:
THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblical, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide

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