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Why doesn't God talk to me?

Our Father, God (YaH), already said everything in The Holy Bible that you need to hear (2 Peter 1:3).  If you're still not satisfied, and you believe you are worthy of receiving communication directly from our Father, but you don't hear from Him, begin the process of seeking Him by fasting (if you're in good health).  At least a day later, find a quiet and private location where you can be alone to say your prayers. Lay prone with your face down and seek God (YaH) like a lost child does his parents, while being as humble as possible, and full of faith (James 1:6–7).  Confess all of your sins to Jesus 'The Christ' (Yeshua), ask for His forgiveness, with the intention of not repeating your sinful ways, and forgive those who have sinned against you so that your spirit will be cleansed.  Praise our Father, YaH, and then pray to Him with the utmost sincerity and concentration, but without chanting and repeating words or phrases to no end (Luke 22:42).  In The Holy Bible, Matthew 6:9-13 (NIV), states “This, then, is how you should pray: “‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.  Give us today our daily bread.  And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.’"  If you have done these things and have successfully rid yourself of enough noise pollution, societal contamination, and sin (2 Corinthians 7:1); and if it's YaH's will, then our Father might be willing to speak directly to you.  The Holy Bible describes several occurrences, other than when Yeshua (Jesus) was on earth in physical form, during which YaH spoke directly to man; however, our Father often sends angels in response to prayers (Acts 12:1-19, Daniel 6:22, Luke 1:13).

Who am I to say that any particular person does or does not communicate directly with our Father, YaH.  Interestingly, however, The Holy Bible describes only a few occurrences when our Father spoke directly to people, other than when Yeshua (Jesus) was physically present to speak to mankind on earth, so the assumption could be made that it's somewhat of a rare occurrence.  I believe our Father doesn't want to frequently communicate directly with us because our free will would be destroyed, and that would leave us to live as if we were just puppets.  If our Father controlled us like puppets, we would not sin, and the earth would become like Heaven, and that would invalidate our ultimate test and corrupt His plan.  

Interestingly, many people were able to hear the words of Yeshua (Jesus, The Son of God) and some people were even able to speak directly with Him.  Despite Yeshua being present and speaking the words of our Father Himself, some people used their free will to refuse Him and choose their lust for worldly rewards and sinful deeds (John 12:37).  Accepting our Father, YaH, in ones heart and having faith in Him is a choice, despite the vast physical evidence and proof of His existence. 

The Holy Spirit will help you communicate with our Father, if you have received The Holy Spirit. Ask our Father to send The Holy Spirit to you!




If you struggle with praying, then you need to identify the cause(s) and then implement corrective action. 

There could be several causes for your struggling with prayer: 

  1. You might not have The Holy Spirit with you (John 9:31);

  2. You might be avoiding the 'perception of failure' in your relationship with God;

  3. Your willpower might have been taken captive by the devil (2 Timothy 2:26)... 


To correct the cause(s): 

  1. Analyze what is involved in getting 'saved' to determine if there is something you overlooked (forgiveness of others?), which could be preventing The Holy Spirit from empowering you; 

  2. Focus a majority of your prayers on things that are within God's will or plan, so that a majority of your prayers will be fulfilled by God, and you will be rewarded with 'successful' prayers; 

  3. To regain your willpower from the captivity of the devil, repent for your sins (2 Timothy 2:25), and protect yourself with the Armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-18)... 


Do not allow the devil to tempt you away from praying - before, during, and after praying. God could easily arrange for us to pray endlessly, but God wants us to use our free will to choose to talk to Him. Blessed are those who choose to freely and willingly praise God in their prayers! Get blessed!!!


God wants us to pray, and He wants to fulfill our prayers, if they are according to His plan; and His plan is far better than any plan we can create (James 4:3; 1 John 5:14; John 15:7). When God doesn't fulfill particular prayers, we should ask ourselves why those prayers are not part of God's plan. Do we need to change our prayers, change ourselves, wait for God's timing, or what? Pray about why those particular prayers are not part of God's plan. If you are in good health, consider fasting as part of your devotion and determination.


Learn to become more aware of The Holy Spirit. When the thought of praying comes to your mind, don't tell yourself that you've already made plans to pray later on. The Holy Spirit knows what is going on in the spiritual realm, and there could be a very good reason for you to pray immediately. 


Learn to enjoy your prayer time with God. Be creative, like an artist, and let yourself get into it. God is my spiritual companion, and I really, really enjoy the closeness of our relationship. God is waiting for you to join Him with all your heart and love!


List of the most important questions with answers and information about YaH (God), Yehoshua (Jesus 'The Christ'), The Holy Spirit and The Holy Bible.

The Holy Bible chapter and verse references of the scriptures and gospels are quotes from:
THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblical, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide

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